Saturday, July 2, 2011

a hostel situation

Last week, I had the priveledge to work with the VBS at Helen First Baptist church. Stephanie and I lead the kiddos around at HFBC while my fellow summer missionaries worked a day camp with the sweet family mission team we had with us. VBS at HFBC was a ton of fun! I have never seen a VBS so elaborate and well planned as this one was. It was really awesome. The groups weren't separated by age, so I had a group that consisted of a 6th grader, a 5th grader, two 4th graders, a 1st grader, and a precious kindergertener. They were so adorable! I thoroughly enjoyed spending the week with them and with the Helen First family. Overall, VBS was a tremendous success. A number of kids gave their lives to Jesus and so many more had seeds planted that God will send more people to water. I was just glad to be a part of the whole process.

On Sunday when Stephanie handed me the schedule for this week, I said "I don't want that." It looked so crazy! There were so many words! (haha) So I was totally expecting this week to be super-insane-crazy kinda week and it turned out really well (like it always does). We had a really awesome group from Camilla, Ga, that had a ton of people of all ages (13 months to 92 years!) doing a million different things on the other side of the mountain, in and around Hiawassee. They held two day camps as well as construction projects on that side of the mountain with Matt and Colton. We also had a youth group from Trion, Ga, that we got to work with that we thoroughly enjoyed. The youth groups we host are quickly becoming one of my favorite parts of the job. It may have something to do with the fact that I had never been on a mission trip until college and that these kids are on mission in middle and high school. I'm so encouraged to see people that young serving God. They get to see what it looks like to give up some of their time to serve others at a young age, and that will develop in them a heart for missions. I am only beginning to realize how vitally important that is and it saddens me that it took me so long to see. They may have been crazy (as all youth groups are) and a little hesitant at times, but they were here. And that's what's important.

Wednesday night, Joanna and I stayed on the other side of the mountain in order to visit an assisted living facility with Camilla on Thursday. The coolest part is that we got to stay at a hiker hostel! (Now the title makes sense, doesn't it?) There's this beautiful couple that ministers to Appalachain Trail thru-hikers during the hiker season (mid-February through April in this part of the country) by letting them stay for free in their hostel, cooking them breakfast, and washing their clothes. It is a really magnificent way for them to share the love of Christ to thousands of people each year. Not only are these hikers subjected to the absolute glory of God's creation as they hike through the mountains, but they are shown a tangible representation of the love Christ displayed on the cross. Lennie and Gary are real servants and some of the most joyful people I have met. Miss Lennie just shone the joy she had within her. It was beautiful.

As if that wasn't cool enough, their hostel is located in a blueberry patch! They have an organic farm, blueberry patch, goats, and donkies. But these aren't just any donkies. They are called Jerusalem donkies because in their fur, they have the shape of a cross on their backs. Talk about a conversation starter! I want a donkey for a pet. So stinkin cool!

For the past two days, we've been getting ready for this upcoming week. The fourth of July is monstrous in Helen, so we have tons of ministry events planned. We are holding two carnivals Monday, with face painting, balloon animals, popcorn, snow cones, the works. This week, we also have a group called Youth on Mission here working with us, which is approximately 45 zillion teenagers (ok, more like 120) so it's gonna be nuts! [It's kinda like a World Changers kind of deal where the organization plans the trip and youth groups sign up to go. They'll have worship services and do all their ministry activities through GMRM] We have six day camps, several construction projects, and a bunch of evening performances. Phew! We better take a deep breath. But I am so beyond excited. I am fully confident that God is going to do amazing things this week. The devil is working too hard to tear us down.

I have more to say than I can write, but I appreciate you reading all of this! There is so much more I want to express, but I'll just have to save it. Please be in prayer for us this week, for we're going to be physically and spiritually exhausted. I know we'll be stretched and challenged, but the opportunities to share the gospel are going to be unmatched this week. I can only do it in His strength, which is more than sufficient! Thank you all for the prayers and encouragement! I love you!

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31